Build a diverse board with
Carta & AboveBoard

Build a diverse board with Carta & AboveBoard

Cooley has partnered with AboveBoard to provide our clients with access to more than 40,000 senior executives to help you create a
diverse board of directors

Access our diverse community of 40,000+ senior executives

On AboveBoard, you can connect with qualified directors simply and easily.

Board Seat

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ensures a
perfect fit

Qualified Members

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About AboveBoard

AboveBoard is an inclusive platform for executive hiring that connects qualified executives with board and full-time opportunities. We are diversifying executive leadership by expanding access for underrepresented groups of executives—particularly Black, Latinx, and women. Our platform removes the limits of traditional executive search, by both extending companies’ networks to include more diverse talent and creating transparent access to opportunities for executives. More than 40,000 executives and 2,400 companies are already using our platform. Fill out the form above to get started.