The Guide to Landing
Your First Board Role

With the support of one of our partners, the Harvard Business School African-American Alumni Association (HBSAAA), we’ve put together this resource to help you land your first board role. In this guide, we’ll walk you through board leadership preparation, skill/experience assessment, and an overview of the recruitment process so you can take the next step in your career.
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Whether you’re on the board of a nonprofit or a public corporation, board service can be an excellent way to level up your career while also furthering a cause or a company you care about. Competition for a board seat can be fierce, but with some deliberate reflection, relationship building, and strategic development, you’ll be on your way to landing your dream board role.

Whether you’re ready for that responsibility now or are preparing for the next phase of your career,this guide can help you fine-tune your mission so you can lead with clarity.

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